ok, this blog has been a complete failure. I havn't really keep it up to date... there has been zero viewer contribution (well with minor exceptions, and thank you to those that have helped and supported me through this project)... so its getting put out of its misery, but I'll give you all this last update... all the work... some in its final stage, but some only in partial...

Title : The Bitter Coast
Title: Runt of the Litter

Title: Drake's dream

Title: Untitled as of yet
This guy isn't completed, still alot of shading work to get done.

Title: The Old Highway
This guy is also incompleted, but very close. I just need to test out how to make it snow...

Title: Vince's Dream (working title)
This guy took a long long long fucking time... and its incomplete in this stage, but I'm satisfied with whats presented...
Ok... well thats it... but not really... there alot of other stuff that will remain unposted... perhaps I'll restart this blog once I start dialoging and peicing this project into a cohesive narrative form... but for now... this is it... enjoy...